Genuine community is a spontaneous creation of the heart in togetherness

Everyone is learning from everyone else.

Love prompts us to choose to heal our fractured selves. Choosing love, we automatically create an energy field that regenerates, heals and restores us and our relationships. As we heal, we automatically move into deep communion with others doing the same soul work.

The depth of the work and the delight we discover interacting with each other in such an intimate and evolutionary way creates a natural bond and a community based in sustainable love.

Coaches, elder mentors, clients - we are all in the evolutionary soup together. Everyone is learning from everyone else. One person's transformation catalyzes another person's shift, and that shift rebounds in a positive feedback effect, further uplifting the first person and others in the Sustainable Love field in an ongoing evolutionary spiral.

There is no hierarchy of "better than" in true community. Instead, there is full equality amongst evolutionary souls choosing to grow and thrive and become co-creators with each other and all of life.

We are a community that transcends geographic location, although most of our members live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are individuals dedicated to personal wholeness and integrity, transparency, vulnerability and the conscious honoring of all life. When not directly engaged in the healing work, we play and celebrate life together!

We are rapidly moving into an international online presence through Zoom workshops, Rainbow Light Sessions and group aftercare work.

This healing work stimulates and inspires tremendous creativity in all areas of life.

An important part of our community experience is creating theater, music and dance offerings which share our vulnerable and authentic stories - a process which catalyzes healing in our audiences and in ourselves.

Transformational Theater for Turbulent Times

Creative expression is a big part of our lives. Our theater company performs several time a year to share our stories of transformation and healing.

"Our Truth Be Told"

From “Our Truth Be Told” fundraiser - September 2021