Our healing team generates a Love Field through their relationships with one another that is palpable and transformative.
This potent relational Love Field is the healing transmission and new imprint.
Personal Intensives are for those who desire to experience profoundly authentic transformation in all areas of life - mental, physical, spiritual and emotional.
We specialize in resolving perpetrator-victim-rescuer dynamics by creating a co-creative transparent relationship with each other and the client.
We offer Intensives for individuals, couples, families and groups.
Personal Intensives provide the opportunity for you to safely dive deep to uncover wounding and other traumas and heal by retrieving and integrating lost soul parts and other multidimensional aspects of your Self.
Personal Intensives are highly effective for committed, highly-motivated individuals ready to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. They are effective if you have experienced or are dealing with:
Cancer and other illnesses
Mental illness
PTSD/anxiety disorders
Familial separation/wounding/abuse
Financial crisis
Inability to ground an authentic prosperous life
Systems of suppression
Governmental programing
Satanic ritual, religious, and/or sexual abuse
Mental and emotional/spiritual disturbances. This includes anyone who has lost the connection to his/her own truth and internal sense of safety.
After an initial interview, we prepare a proposal detailing the process and structure for a residential stay in Santa Fe.
The length of a Personal Intensive varies according to the needs, availability, and commitments of the client.
Typical Intensives run from three days to two weeks, sometimes longer. Other options might include several shorter intensives with integration breaks in between, held over a longer period of time.
We create the healing team that meets your specific needs. Multiple coaches and/or other professionals may work together with you.
Humans are mirrors for one another. Sometimes it takes more than one mirror to reflect back what a client needs; sometimes the traumas needing to heal are so psychically intense that more than one coach is needed to facilitate the retrieval and integration process.
Working with a healing team helps our coaches grow and stay accountable to the Soul Alchemy Principles, each other, and to YOU.
Additional services included in your Personal Intensive:
Somatic trauma protocols (appropriate for physical and emotional trauma of all kinds)
A 24-hour sacred steward who never leaves your side, assuring your emotional and psychic safety during your healing journey
Cranial sacral work
Integrative bodywork
Deep tissue massage and Rolfing
Nurse practitioner/kinesiology assessments for nutrition