"After you break out of the Matrix, the World is truly a blessed and generous place that needs not suffer in the dismal illusion taught to us by our Culture, our religions, and our peers. Thank you, Joseph and Robin."
- Susan K., Engineer, Los Angeles
"For years, I had been in a chaotic, distant, and confusing place while struggling with drug abuse and depression. Once I started experiencing the wisdom that Robin and Joseph offered, the direction of my life miraculously shifted, bringing clarity, joy, and truth that I learned to manifest from moment to moment. They have taught me the tools to transcend old beliefs and integrate my soul into my body."
- Clayton M., Body Worker, St. Louis & Durango, CO
"I have done spiritual healing work with many different healers and modalities for the last 25 years. When I met Robin and Joseph 8 years ago and started doing sessions with them, I knew I was finally clearing, transforming, and healing my stuff permanently. They helped me move out of self-hatred, guilt, and self-punishment into self-love and expansion and the result is that my chronic back pain and nervous system pain is gone. I am at deep peace and in love with myself and it shows in all areas of my life and physical body. They have helped me to get to root causes of the physical and emotional pains I was trying to heal for many years."
- Cynthia H, Artist, Santa Fe
"Joseph and Robin have been special friends for years. Anytime I need clarity and connection to my dimensional and galactic selves, I sign up with these two very gifted beings."
- Harriette King, Evolutionist, Santa Fe
"I had spent a few years on a very focused deep inward journey to consciously deconstruct beliefs and paradigms about life, self, divinity, spirituality, etc., to uncover what was truly at the core of my being without all the stories and concepts. After this stripping away I found myself in a very weakened, vulnerable state without the strength or wherewithal to reenter the world again and integrate what I had learned. I knew I couldn’t do this alone. I immediately thought of contacting Robin and Joseph who are the only people I knew that would understand where I was at and could support this level of integration with deep love and presence. I made a special trip from India to work with them. How grateful I Am! Feeling whole, inspired, strong, and actively engaged in this beautiful life! Robin and Joseph are masterfully gifted at what they do. They continue their own evolution of love, truth and understanding which serves to expand their capacity for healing and empowerment to those who are blessed to work with them. Thank you beloved ones!!!”
- Louise S., Energy Medicine Practitioner, Dharamshala, India
"I needed much more than traditional psychology and counseling methods to heal my severe trauma experiences. Connecting with Robin, Joseph and then the Sustainable Love Team offered healing for my body, mind, and spirit. I have a sense of wholeness and integration that I never thought was possible before finding these folks. I am forever grateful for these wonderful practitioners! “
- Beth B., MA, Ed.D., Santa Fe
"Since working with the Sustainable Love Training and Guidance Center, I have been able to open the doors to my deepest and darkest shadows, allowing the greatest healing that I have been seeking my whole life! In the past, I've spent over $100,000 on other programs, healing work, energy sessions, counseling, coaching, and training. In a matter of just 2 months, however, your work cut to the core issues that have blocked my wholeness. For the first time in my life, I am finding inner peace and healing. Attracting you and your evolutionary work into my life is allowing me to have more focus, clarity, strength, and courage in my personal life, my relationships, and my business. Thank you for the beautiful space you create and the loving guidance that is allowing me to be who I am meant to BEE."
- Jan H. Stringer, Founder, PerfectCustomers, Inc.
“I was so lucky to connect to robin. what she provides at the level it she does, is a rarity. amazing, life-saving, life changing; a transformational facilitator of the finest order. ad joseph to the mix and the benefit becomes exponential. this is really the way it is.”
- i.b. Olympia, WA
“I first worked with Robin 18 years ago. Her sessions at that time involved her amazing ability to see beyond this third dimensional life. She could see the traumas from past lives that kept me bound from living my fullest potential. And she released me through energy work, from these anchors. I returned to healing work with Robin in the fall of 2015. And this time I worked with Joseph and her as a team. Her astuteness remained sharp. And she had with the help of Joseph designed a method of healing that my soul understood. Joseph lovingly held space during this healing. They’ve helped me pull pieces of my soul back to oneness that has splintered away from me due to trauma. And through the work I claimed my will and my power. Robin and Joseph facilitate this healing in a safe loving environment. Robin has the ability to see and feel what’s really going on with your soul. She has told me very clearly some of the contracts I had made prior to coming in this life. And through this knowledge I could feel my heart open, and with this knowledge I have been able to break any contracts which no longer serves me. All done with love. And in doing so I have been able to achieve being more of my fullest truest self. With her help the door is open for me to achieve a joy that I have so desired.
- Susan Todd, Designer, Santa Fe