Soul Alchemy™
Soul Alchemy™ is a conscious multi-dimensional, evolutionary process that creates healing, internal-external unity, personal freedom and joy through the reunification of one’s soul, body and heart partnership.
Soul Alchemy goes to the core causes of your challenges. It is the deeper process of healing already started with coaching and the foundational Rainbow Light Activation.
It's conducted in private sessions, intensives, group healing and long-distance Zoom environments.
It is a process of choosing wholeness, compassion and self-love, and a philosophy of living that honors all life and each individual's right to their own soul's path.
All human beings have a right to personal empowerment and evolution no matter what their trauma or past experiences.
Transform inner beliefs and soul parts and bring them into harmony and become a true empowered co-creator with life.
End the war between the inner masculine and inner feminine and your inner children and watch your relationships transform without having to control and manipulate others.
Our inner landscape is always being demonstrated via our outer reflections. Our inner vibrational field is the result of many factors, such as decisions, choices, words and actions in life. This work transforms your intimate relationships with spouses/partners, family and children.
Soul Alchemy transmutes & transforms:
Multidimensional beliefs and vows
Self-created personal identities
DNA, ancestral imprints and possessions
Spiritual attachments/programming
Social conditioning
Inner-relational dynamics between soul parts and the personality
Going Deep Into Repairing Trauma
Our soul's embodiment is necessary to have power and be effective in the physical world and create the reality we've all longed for.
Soul Alchemy addresses soul parts that may have been split off and become dissociated through abuse and other traumatic events, including incest, satanic ritual abuse, combat situations, torture, etc.
The integration - and lack of integration - of soul parts along with all these other elements directly impact who and how you are in the world.
Work with a Soul Alchemy Coach to unite soul, body and heart.
Consciously unify fragmented soul parts and other multi-dimensional aspects of the self that have become occluded.
If you want to see a change in your day-to-day reality, you must intentionally create inner unity and embody that wholeness by consciously grounding lost soul elements back into your body.
The conscious unification of soul parts and other multidimensional aspects of the self triggers an alchemical process that throws open the gates to personal freedom and free will, joy, wholeness, compassion and self-love.
It enables us to choose love and choose behaviors and relationships that nourish and expand our Authentic Self.
Soul Alchemy Principles
We are eternal beings with many forms all a part of our source. Our soul is multi-dimensional. This life is a gift that our soul’s have chosen and our journey as humans can be conscious or not. Soul Alchemy is a partnership of conscious soul evolution.
While in this incarnation our spirit and body are one. We have a choice to experience wholeness. The soul-spirit self is learning through and from the physical creations and the body personal self is learning from the soul-spirit. Our awakening then creates an opportunity to consciously unify any fragments of soul into wholeness through our body and free will. This is called conscious soul evolution.
Our inner and outer realities are one. Our consciousness is always being demonstrated and reflected on the outside. The inner landscape or hologram is created from vibration and electro-magnetic fields generated by multidimensional beliefs, vows, identities, decisions, DNA, ancestral imprints, spiritual attachments and inner relational dynamics among the soul parts and the personality. These inner states impact all the bodies, astral-emotional, mental, etheric, and physical. And all these realms impact our inner consciousness.
Empowerment comes from our personal responsibilities and free will choice to become a conscious co-creator with the universe and others. If we want to see a change in our reality we must stay in the commitment to inner unity and love and choose the behaviors and relationships that serve nourishment and expansion of our authentic nature and others. We then choose to transform separation into love and freedom. We bring unconsciousness to consciousness. Transformation involves inside work and outer behavioral change.
All human beings have a right to personal empowerment and evolution no matter what their karma or past experiences. Each individual has a right to their inner healer, eternal soul and alchemist. We have a right to our needs, feelings and wants and to live life in happiness and to pursue our greatest joy and soul’s purpose. We have a right to experience freedom, safety and love on this earth plane. This is the power of the governing center to hold this knowing for the self.
As conscious co-creators we choose to evolve the soul and heal the separation. The process of the soul’s evolution calls forward the integration and resolution of the soul as victim victimizer and rescuer. If these aspects are denied and or prominent, it creates separation. We then have journey’s of blame, negativity, abuse, dominance, power over and under dynamics. These aspects are seeking to heal in the spiritual, emotional physical mental realms and we then discover more self-love, self forgiveness, free choice, and empowerment in our lives.
Love is the healer, the mega juice and unifier of all.